Our Latest Insights On Digital Strategy

Coda Strategy leads companies into the digital age. We help digitally savvy executives identify IT solutions to execute their business vision through analytics and automation.

January 18, 2024

How To Control IoT Devices | Managing The Future of Connectivity

Introduction To IoT Devices Your thermostat adjusting itself based on your schedule or your coffee maker brewing a fresh cup as soon as your alarm…

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Aron Walter

December 4, 2023

Can Artificial Intelligence Replace Human Intelligence?

Imagine a world where AI brews your morning cup of joe before you even open your eyes. Seems like a world that is more science…

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Aron Walter

November 20, 2023

Introduction To Machine Learning And Its Types

Machine learning is being used more commonly in current technological days. In addition to examining the complicated issues related to this technology it lies in…

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Aron Walter

January 10, 2023

How to Build a New IT Strategy Roadmap

In a world where technology advances at a rapid pace, a firm that wants to stay competitive needs to have a clear, effective, and actionable…

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David Zhao

December 15, 2022

What Digital Leaders Most Need to Overcome Modern Challenges

Today’s business leaders have a lot on their plate. Their companies expect them to manage digital change, to lead digital initiatives, to motivate employees in…

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David Zhao

December 9, 2022

How to Build a New Comprehensive Data Operating Model

As technology continues to transform our lives, many companies have found new ways to analyze our digital interactions. Every time we hail a ride on…

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David Zhao